Fátima Gomes


The falling sound of the loom is part of Fátima Gomes’ daily life. From an early age, she felt the call to create, aided by her mother, who was already a weaver and who instilled in her a passion for weaving.
Loom work does not discourage her, and she meticulously repeats the movements that will bring her works to life.
The whole process goes through her hands. She makes the yarn in a single color or with shades, mixing wool of different shades, achieving extraordinary tones with its natural colors. Once ready, it is worked on the loom until the final work, which can be rugs, blankets, carpets, all according to the customer’s imagination.
Due to the specificity of the work and the nature of the materials, no two pieces are alike, all of them are original and bring recognition across borders, in countries such as France, Belgium, Switzerland or Japan.

Estrada Nacional n.º 15, n.º 1 5370-152 Lamas de Orelhão
278979272/ 966 331 351



Edifício GAT
Rua Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian,
5370-340 Mirandela


278 201 430 (custo de uma chamada para a rede fixa)
