Igreja de Santa Eufémia de Lavandeira

Religious Heritage Carrazeda Ansiães

The Church of Santa Eufémia, located in the parish of Lavandeira, is classified as a property of public interest. It is a 17th century temple, with an elongated plan preceded by a porch supported by 12 Tuscan columns. Its portal with a straight lintel is framed by two Tuscan pilasters and crowned by a pediment. The bell tower was attached to the right side of the façade and comprises two floors. But the maximum splendor of this space is in its interior, which has been richly decorated in Baroque style. It retains a false barrel vault ceiling with painted coffers depicting scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin in the nave and a Tree of Jesse in the chancel. The church’s walls are lined with frescoes painted in blue and white representing biblical scenes.

41.193407, -7.301057



Edifício GAT
Rua Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian,
5370-340 Mirandela


278 201 430 (custo de uma chamada para a rede fixa)
